Scarborough Yoga

Thanksgiving Gentle Yoga Class To Benefit Sea Change Yoga - In Studio
with Chris Byrne

November 24 (Thursday)
at 9:00 am

Class length
75 minutes

Class type
Mindfulness Yoga

We are so excited to welcome you back to the annual Thanksgiving Donation Class to benefit Sea Change Yoga! This is the 6th year that Chris Byrne, teacher for both Scarborough Yoga and Sea Change Yoga, has been leading this class. Chris is again thrilled to be joined by his long-time teaching partner and dear friend: Molly Donlan! Molly is a yoga teacher, Reiki Master, Crystal Healing expert, and co-host of the exceptional podcast Demystify Magic!

For this special event, Chris & Molly will offer you a 75-minute gentle yoga practice. They will bring together slow, gentle movements, restorative yoga postures, intentional breathwork, and mindfulness meditation – there will be options and variations to ensure this practice is accessible for all experience levels and abilities.

There are limited spots available for in-studio at Scarborough Yoga. If the in studio portion is full, or if you'd rather join us live online via zoom you can click here!

You are warmly encouraged to donate any amount that feels appropriate for this class, and 100% of the proceeds will benefit Sea Change Yoga's mission to offer healing centered practices of yoga & meditation to marginalized and under-supported communities in Maine that have experienced trauma within their life. 

Donations are not required to attend. To learn more about Sea Change Yoga, please visit:


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