Scarborough Yoga

Yamuna Body Rolling ~ Balance the Hips & Spine ~ Melora Gregory
with Melora Gregory

December 17 (Sunday)
at 11:00 am

Class length
75 minutes

Class type
Yamuna Body Rolling

Yamuna Body Rolling® with Melora Gregory
Certified YBR® See MELORA | melorayoga .
~ Balance the Hips & Spine ~
Sunday 11:00-12:15

$30 Limited to 18 

Release tension and holding patterns in the entire spine from the tailbone to the skull. Work the gluteals and hip joints, and the front of the pelvis to stimulate a letting go of the adductors and psoas. Great for back, hip and neck issues, as well as tight hip flexors and piriformis syndrome.
Wonderful routine to relieve sciatica. 

Yamuna Body Rolling®
A unique approach to health & fitness that helps people of all fitness levels feel better, move
more freely, gain strength, & eliminate pain using specially designed 4-10 inch balls to;
*Increase muscle length
*Create joint mobility
*Promote healing of injuries
*Tone muscles and build core strength
*Energize nerve roots and vital organs
*Dislodge tension and discomfort
*Enhance blood flow
*Stimulate bone growth
Carefully planned routines match the body’s own logic to re-educate its innate awareness for
immediate and dramatic results!


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