~Feet, Ankles, Knees~
Sunday 11:00 - 12:15
Certified YBR® See MELORA | melorayoga
$30 Pre-register online
Space Limited to 18
We have 5 Foot wakers to lend. Please contact Melora if you need to borrow one of these sets or would like to purchase a set for $55. First come first serve on the 5 sets. Melora Gregory
Restore healthy foot function by creating balance, flexibility, strength, and raised arches. Work on ankle mobility and lengthen and tone calf and shin muscles. Develop long and strong adductor and quadricep muscles to stabilize the knee.
Powerful Yamuna Body Rolling® routines release tension, break up adhesions, and energize the whole body. This unique approach to body fitness combines direct bone stimulation, elongation and alignment of muscles, immediate feedback of where we are stuck and a feeling of spaciousness in our joints. We will use balls of various sizes and densities to knead out tightness.