Scarborough Yoga

Meditative Yin Yoga with Susan ~ Virtual
with Susan Wood


January 12 (Tuesday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Class type
Core & Stretch or Yin

“Physically most of us carry a great deal of tightness in our joints, hips and low backs. If this tension can be alleviated even a small amount, we will immediately feel better in our bodies.
Meditative yin yoga is quiet, slow paced and very relaxing. We combine resting in physically beneficial positions, deep breathing, intentional mental focus and an increased awareness of the sensory. This is a recipe for release on all levels and this is also a form of meditation.
Not only do we foster more ease in our bodies, we systematically create an opportunity for deep, quiet restfulness and inner space.

All the poses are done on the floor with options and supports so that absolutely everyone is able to participate. It is very beneficial for injury recovery and cross training as well.”
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Meeting ID: 414 953 439
Passcode: 940646


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