Scarborough Yoga

Yoga Nidra, Yogic Sleep, Entering the Zero Stress Zone with Kathleen ~ Virtual
with Kathleen McCallum


May 30 (Sunday)
at 7:00 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Class type
Yoga Nidra

Join Kathleen McCallum and get ready to Zoom!

For those of you who have experienced Yoga Nidra class at the studio and wished you didn't have to leave this deep state of relaxation and drive home, your wish has come true.

We have been existing at a heightened level of our sympathetic nervous system due to this powerfully tumultuous & yes, often joyful, year of 2020.

Join me Sunday evenings in the comfort of a quiet space in your home (or wherever you are) to rest deeply in the dream-like state of the parasympathetic nervous system. Relax, rejuvenate and be inspired to bring forth the intention that illuminates your path.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 9718 1294
Passcode: 571373


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