Scarborough Yoga

Mindfulness Yoga with Susan ~ Virtual
with Susan Wood


July 2 (Friday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
60 minutes

Class type
Mindfulness Yoga

You can think of Mindful Yoga as a moving meditation.  We will be slowing things down and changing our focus to our breath and body.

During this class there are 2 parts to every pose:

First, we slowly bring ourselves into our pose and momentarily pause in the pose to let sensation build.

Second, we bring ourselves back to neutral and then tune into our bodies, feeling all the sensations that occur after releasing the pose.

Mindful Yoga is a way of getting in touch with ourselves, bringing ourselves back to the center and helping to slow the constant chitter chatter that runs through our minds. (You are not alone, the chitter chatter happens for all human beings!)

The class is suitable for all levels, it is slow paced and very gentle. There are standing and sitting poses and if any point you need to stop and sit, you are invited to do so.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 593 336 7616
Passcode: 083101


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