Scarborough Yoga

Posture Clinic - 4 Week Series or Standalone Class
with Kristine Keegan

June 20 (Sunday)
at 10:30 am

Class length
90 minutes

Class type
Posture Clinic

Are you tired of wondering "am I doing this right"?  Do you want to fine tune your yoga postures? Join Kristine Keegan, RYT 500, Reiki Master Teacher, for four 90 minutes workshops and gain the knowledge and confidence to feel solid in your yoga postures.  These classes are live and limited to 7 people to allow for eyes on and hands on assistance to help you find the right alignment specific to your body.  There will also be an opportunity to ask questions and discuss the postures.  Bring a notebook.  

Dates:  Sunday's 10:30 - 12:00

May 23:  Standing Postures including:  Mountain, Warrior 1 & 2, Chari, Triangle, Crescent Lunge

June 20:  Balancing Postures including: Tree, Standing Figure Four, Gate, Eagle, Warrior 3, Dancer & Half Moon

July 18:  Prone Postures including:  Downward Dog, Low Push-Up, Plank, Pigeon, Upward Facing Dog

August 15:  Twists & Supine Postures including:  Standing Twists, Supine Twist, Thread the Needle, Bridge, Shoulder Stand

Full 4 Workshop Series  $65 
Individual Workshops purchased separately starting May 20  $20


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