Scarborough Yoga

Reiki 1 for Young Adults
with Kristine Keegan

August 6 (Friday)
at 1:30 pm

Class length
240 minutes

Class type
Reiki Certification

Are you feeling stuck, or wondering how to find more ease in your world? Reiki can help you discover and sit with your “inner glimmer”.

We all have simple needs, we want to be loved, we want to guard ourselves against the
“I’m not sure” or the “you should...” of each day and calm those self-doubts that creep in.

What if you were able to bring more balance and security to each day using your own tools.

Reiki, an energy medicine practice that originated in Japan, can help bring balance to the energies in your body and quiet your mind. Self-healing is one of the most important aspects of Reiki at any level. You can dislodging blocks and negativity within your energetic systems, (the life force energy) which brings not just an ease to the body,  but also to your life. .

You will learn to practice on yourself and those people and pets closest to you. The first degree of training (out of 3) is taught master to student and will cover the energy maps of the body. There will be a breakdown of each chakra and meridian line, and learn the organ systems and associated emotions. You will also come to know the history of Reiki and the linage in your Reiki line of teaching. There will be practical time to perform Reiki to yourself and on others.

Imagine the potential!

Kristine Keegan, Reiki Master Teacher, Usui Lineage, and RYT 500 offers a thoughtful, well rounded Reiki Training that is accessible to ALL!
Jenna Bradley, M. S. Ed , Developmental Therapy,  Masgutova Neuro-Sensory Motor Reflex Integration, RYT - 200 

Friday August 6:  1:30 - 4:30 
Saturday August 7:  12:00 - 4:00


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