Scarborough Yoga

Holiday Yoga Reboot with Kristine Keegan ~ Virtual
with Kristine Keegan


December 11 (Saturday)
at 3:00 pm

Class length
90 minutes

As exciting as the approaching Holidays may be, do they feel overwhelming?

Catch your breath and hit the reset button with this Restorative and Rejuvenating Yoga Workshop.

Gift yourself this magical 90-minute Restorative Yoga with Yoga Nidra and Reiki lead by Kristine Keegan, RYT500, and Master Reiki Teacher.

You'll move through supported restorative postures, landing in a fully supported guided Yoga Nidra meditation.   (An hour of Yoga Nidra is roughly the equivalent of 4 hours of deep sleep.)

This practice promotes a stronger immune system, and better sleep, recharges your energy, reduces stress and burn out, helps to balance your emotions, and helps to keep you living in the present moment so that you can enjoy jingle of the holidays

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 870 3849 5185
Passcode: 331361


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